Our values

These are some examples of how we put our values into practice:

Floating stick activity exploring working in groups, Addis Ababa


 With clients we have…

With the wider community/world we…

With each other we …






With clients we…

  • only take on work for which we feel qualified and competent.
  • are committed to transparency in our charges, expenses, time frames and work schedules.
  • always act in the best interests of our clients even if that means communicating uncomfortable messages.
  • keep values at the forefront of any work we do.

With the wider community / world we …

  • include pro-bono days to contribute to important work when clients can’t afford our services.
  • support other organisations and individuals, e.g. we serve on boards of other charities, and as volunteers in organisations doing things we believe in.
  • carry out our work in a way that is consistent with our environmental concerns.
  • have created and regularly review our own Theory of Change in order to keep our focus on the difference we want to make

With each other we …

  • hold ourselves to a high standard, push our boundaries by supporting each other and upholding our commitment to excellence
  • have a ‘learning agenda’ to help us grow and develop as an effective team
  • have a commitment to honesty with ourselves and each other, to ‘speak the difficult things’, if the need is there, by modelling good communication
  • constantly challenge ourselves on whether we are being true to our values


 With clients we …

With the wider community / world we …

 With each other we …


Our blog

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How to support those affected by conflict in Ukraine

I’m sure many of you are seeing your newsfeeds full of discussion about what is happening in Ukraine, and how best to help. That desire to help is a basic human instinct, and the reason why many of our current

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