Evaluation, strategy and learning

We provide evaluation, strategy and learning consultancy, and strongly believe that these strands of our work are connected.  Learning and evaluation inform strategy.  Reviewing strategy, building learning into organisational processes and evaluating work are processes that strengthen every organisation.


  • We completed a participatory impact assessment of Amnesty International’s global activism.


  • We helped Self Help Africa to review their rationale for operations and to develop their criteria for choosing where to operate.
  • We worked with the Secretariat of Amnesty International to produce a framework for their capacity building support to the global movement.
  • We helped Water Aid in India to develop a transition strategy to become a sustainable and independent organisation.


  • We contributed to the design of the impact assessment frameworks for Progressio and International Service.
  • We conducted an evaluation of SNV’s approach to organizational learning.
  • We co-designed and facilitated an action learning programme for the peace-building organisation PAX.


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How to support those affected by conflict in Ukraine

I’m sure many of you are seeing your newsfeeds full of discussion about what is happening in Ukraine, and how best to help. That desire to help is a basic human instinct, and the reason why many of our current

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