Research and Writing

These are some examples of our research and writing:

Guidance documents and toolkits

  • We wrote a toolkit on partner capacity strengthening for small UK organisations working in the global South, funded by FCDO.
  • We wrote Tearfund’s Roots 5 Guide to Project Management.
  • We developed partner Capacity Development Guides and associated resources for British Red Cross and Danish Refugee Council.
  • We wrote a set of good practice guidelines for hybrid meetings for Local Trust.
  • We co-authored a toolkit on the Monitoring and Evaluation of Information Literacy with the British Library of Development Studies, IDS, University of Sussex.

Development education materials

  • We wrote a range of development education materials including printed and digital teaching resources for ActionAid and Oxfam, as well as articles for the media including the Guardian and TES.

Learning materials

  • We worked with International Organisation for Migration to develop a Pre-Departure Orientation (PDO) Facilitators Manual with extensive guidance on the design and delivery of PDOs for refugees (2021)
  • We have written online learning modules on cultural awareness, sexual and reproductive health and information management.


Haiti group

Pathway management training in Haiti for French-speaking Concern staff, August 2013


Our blog

Latest post

How to support those affected by conflict in Ukraine

I’m sure many of you are seeing your newsfeeds full of discussion about what is happening in Ukraine, and how best to help. That desire to help is a basic human instinct, and the reason why many of our current

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