Farewell to Katherine

Katherine Stoessel, a core member since 2008, has left Framework to concentrate on her restorative justice work through her company Beyond Conflict. As Katherine explained, “Of late my work has focused more and more in the area of restorative approaches in the workplace, in educational and community settings, and the criminal justice field. As I have become clearer about my professional direction I realise I need to spend more time on this challenging aspect of my career. I will continue to work within the voluntary sector particularly with organisations offering services to victims and offenders but will also be focusing more on the public and statutory sectors. For my own professional development I need to spend more time with people who are working in the field of restorative approaches.”
We will miss Katherine’s sensitive and thoughtful contribution to Framework’s development. In her own words, “My involvement with Framework has been an enriching experience particularly in enhancing my perspective of organisations and their development. I will miss most the opportunity to share and learn from such committed and inspired colleagues particularly in the regular peer mentoring and the in-depth explorations that happen in the semi annual retreats. I am hopeful though that the professional and personal relationships developed over these years as a core member will continue in new and creative ways!”
We hope so too, and wish her well on the next stage of her career.